Nurse Your Mental Wellness with These Five Tips

Nurse Your Mental Wellness with These Five Tips

Rastisha Smikle, RN
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By Rastisha Smikle, RN

Caring is woven into the fabric of our beings, nurses are at high risk for burnout. We often pour out all we have for others and neglect our own mental health and wellbeing. It's vital that we learn the signs and symptoms of burnout because it not only affects our work life, but it often bleeds into our other relationships. 

So, what can we do to protect ourselves from burnout and prioritize our mental wellbeing?

Five Mental Wellness Tips to Implement Today

1. Journaling

With the unique challenges presented in 2020 and during the ongoing pandemic, reflective journaling can help manage and unleash your innermost feelings. Through journaling, you can privately express your frustrations, fears, and disappointments. I also suggest that you journal daily good news and gratitude to maintain a balance. 

2. Aromatherapy

We all know the power of the sense of smell. Certain scents can trigger your body to release relaxation hormones. My personal favorite is lavender. 

3. Talk it out

Confide in someone that you can trust. Just think back to how therapeutic a good venting session with one of your trusted coworkers was. Seeking out a counselor or therapist is another option. 

4. Take a time out

Get yourself in a quiet place to do some meditation to take your mind off the stresses and worries of your day. You can do this activity in silence or find some calming music to help melt those cares away. 

5. Take your vacation days

You have worked long and hard and deserve to take time off. Our work can be physically, mentally, and emotionally taxing. Even if you aren't traveling during this time, take your PTO and tackle that to-do list, explore a new hobby, or book that well-deserved spa day. 

Now more than ever, our mental health matters. You can't pour from an empty cup, so make sure you take the time to fill up routinely.   

Stay well,

Nurse Stisha

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