What happens when
a nurse + an entrepreneur hop into a cab?
After a long day of research while incubating Moxie Scrubs, founder & CEO Alicia Tulsee hopped into a cab on her way home from the Harvard Innovation Lab. She happened to share the ride with Ashley Jerome, RN, BSN, PCCN. They started talking.
Alicia asked, “Where are you visiting from?”
“I’m not visiting, I work here, I'm a nurse!” Ashley replied.
Alicia couldn’t believe it, and told her about Moxie. Seeing Ashley’s enthusiasm and excitement was the final tipping point for her to take the plunge and start the business.
Ashley became Moxie’s first nurse-collaborator to help in the design process. She continues to work with Moxie Scrubs today!
“It was my huge “ah-ha moment” to start a brand dedicated to nurses! As Ashley says, that story never gets old!” - Alicia Tulsee, Founder & CEO

You are Moxie
An East-Coast term from the 1950’s, ‘Moxie’ defines the 'force of character, determination, and resourcefulness,' of nurses across our country on the frontlines today. The strength and compassion that breathes through healthcare professionals IS Moxie.
Our Partners
We are proud to partner with some of the most highly regarded organizations in the United States, including The Ember Company, the American Nurses Association, MassChallenge, and the Harvard Innovation Lab.